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The situation isn’t helped by the fact that even though Denethor is the heir to his father (the steward), everyone seems to elevate the disguised Aragorn above him anyway. Even Denethor’s own dad appears to put him second to the wandering hero, which may go a long way in explaining his future behavior to his own son, Faramir.


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Aragorn’s impressive pedigree

Before launching into the life of the man himself, it’s worth taking a minute to talk about his ancestors. After all, it’s easy to watch Viggo Mortensen striding around saving the day and then blindly get on the Aragorn bandwagon. But seriously, where does this tramp from out in the wilderness get off claiming the throne of the kingdom? Well, you’ve got to back up about 6,000 years or so to answer that one.

So let’s start exploring Aragorn’s backstory. At the beginning of the Second Age, a kingdom of men is founded on the island of Númenor, to the west of the coasts of Middle Earth. The first of the kings of the Númenoreans is a man named Elros, who happens to be the brother of Elrond of Rivendell. While Elrond famously chooses to live an immortal life — the choice is a special family prerogative — Elros opts to live out his life as a mortal man.

Elros is the first of a long line of kings that rules Nûmenor for over 3,000 years. Even when the powerful island nation is destroyed, the bloodline continues to rule over the offshoot kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor on the mainland. Eventually, though, the family line fades into oblivion, ruling a scattered people under the title of the «chieftains of the Dúnedain.»


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