COVID-19 cases | WHO COVID-19 dashboard


WHO/Loan Tran
A girl stands in front of her house near a vaccination site in Dak Som Commune in Dak Nong, Viet Nam during a January 2024 vaccination outreach programme.

Glossary and definitions

Although COVID-19 defines the symptomatic disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the cases are presented in this dashboard meet one of two alternate definitions of confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 infection in international surveillance reporting:

a) A person with a positive Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), regardless of clinical criteria* OR epidemiological criteria*.
b) A person meeting clinical criteria* AND/OR epidemiological criteria* (suspect case A) with a positive professional-use or self-test SARS-CoV-2 Antigen-RDT.

*Please visit the WHO COVID-19 Case definition for details on clinical and epidemiological criteria.

Updated 22 July 2023

Data sources

From the 31 December 2019 to the 21 March 2020, WHO collected the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths through official communications under the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005), complemented by monitoring the official ministries of health websites and social media accounts. Since 22 March 2020, global data is compiled through WHO region-specific dashboards, and/or aggregate count data reported to WHO headquarters.

WHO COVID-19 Dashboard is updated every Friday for the period of two weeks prior.

Counts primarily reflect laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths, based upon WHO case definitions; although some departures may exist due to local adaptations. Counts include both domestic and repatriated cases. Case detection, definitions, testing strategies, reporting practice, and lag times (e.g. time to case notification, and time to reporting of deaths) differ between countries, territories and areas. These factors, amongst others, influence the counts presented with variable under or overestimation of true case and death counts, and variable delays to reflecting these data at a global level.

All data represent date of reporting as opposed to date of symptom onset. All data are subject to continuous verification and may change based on retrospective updates to accurately reflect trends, changes in country case definitions and/or reporting practices. Significant data errors detected or reported to WHO may be corrected at more frequent intervals.

New case and death counts from the Region of the Americas
Starting from the week commencing on 11 September 2023, the source of the data from the Region of the Americas was switched to the aggregated national surveillances, received through the COVID-19, Influenza, RSV and Other Respiratory Viruses program in the Americas. Data have been included retrospectively since 31 July 2023.

Estimated populations and projections are drawn from:

  • United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition. Rev. 1 (2020 projections).
  • Eurostat. “Demo_pjan” (population as of 1 January by country, year, age and gender; last updated by Eurostat on 2021-02-12; last year of data: 2020).
  • National Statistics Office Malta.
  • The Government of the Pitcairn Islands.
  • Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Estimates of population for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.

*Total population for France has been adjusted to account for the following overseas territories (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Réunion, Saint Martin).

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World Health Organization 2023, WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) dashboard > Cases [Dashboard].

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All references to Kosovo should be understood to be in the context of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

A dispute exists between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).

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