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Environmental policy of China has led to a shortage of lead in the world market

According to the China industry media from October 21, in 2014-2015, the probable shortage of supply of lead in the world market.
For the current year this figure is projected at 38 THD. MT, for the future – 23 thousand tons, the Main reason of the current situation – discrepancy growth of demand and supply of metal.
Our regular readers know that 2014 was perhaps the most stringent test for the lead industry of China for many years: it was eliminated several tens or more than hundreds of production, sharply increased environmental requirements for the remaining.
Meanwhile, demand for the metal on a global scale continues slowly to increase (the forecast for 2014 is 1.4% in 2015 and 2.1%). This year Chinese deliveries fell sharply, and that will be reflected in the deficit of the global market. In 2015, the planned introduction of a number of large capacity such as project Chihong Group in IMAR with a capacity of over 100 thousand tons of lead that will lead to some alleviation of the deficit.

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