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How much money you earn on scrap metal?

The specialists of URL, a company specializing in the licensing of scrap metals throughout Russia, conducted a survey among the representatives of the dray business in November, December 2015.
The questions were the following:
1. how long you took on making a decision about getting a license for scrap metal and
2. how does this decision impact on your profit or not affected at all, the payback period of the cost of the license.

All were interviewed 183 people in 56 regions of Russia, representatives of the Carter business: companies engaged in the transit, dismantling, taking scrap from the public, export operations, as black and color scrap metals. The data is quite relevant both from the point of view of respondents, and from the point of view of the geography of their activities (it's almost all the regions of the Russian Federation). And here are the results.
27 % of respondents – made the decision from 1 to 15 days (group 1), 21% from 15 to 30 (group 2), 22% from 30 to 60 days (group 3), 13% between 60 and 90 days (group 4), 17% over 90 days (group 5).
On the second question, all respondents were distributed as follows: 23 % of respondents received an instant benefit and the cost of the license repulsed at the first transaction , 19% got the benefit and got out license for 1 month, 26% benefit is and license repulsed within two months, 14.5% of the benefit and the payback period of the cost of the license was three months, 9% from three months, 7% between six months and 1.5 % license not yet strayed.

The findings of the study: in short, obtaining a license in the end, it makes good business sense, the sooner a decision is made for license, the quicker the entrepreneur earns a profit (see chart below). The conclusion is quite logical, which was confirmed in the study. However, there are companies that will issue a license not yet applied, but the percentage of such organizations is very small.

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