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Scrap prices in the domestic market of South Korea decline

Hyundai Steel, Dongkuk Steel and other major steel companies in late August 2012 stopped making spectacule, and in early September reduced the procurement prices for scrap in the range of 5-15 thousand won ($4,46–of 13.39).
It should be noted that in September 2012, South Korean companies have reduced their purchase prices for scrap twice, resulting in raw material fell in price by 30 thousand won per ton ($26,78). In that case, if this month a decision will be made even to reduce the cost of procurement, the reduction range for the month can be 50 thousand won ($44,63).
In the southern and Northern regions of the company for the sale of scrap the world Cup suffer a considerable loss. In addition, they warn that if prices will fall further will start a tough fight for raw materials, since unprofitable companies to sell goods very cheap. In addition, due to the economic problems in the construction industry are expected difficulties in the payment process of orders.

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